Obeus is The Democratic Pay-Per-Click and Pay-Per-Impressions Advertising Service
This system allows you to advertise text ads or media banners on sites registered in our Directory.
Obeus Features
- No fictitious prices on advertising; all prices are defined by real demand and supply!
- Single account for advertiser and publisher — advertise your site and make money on it simultaneously.
- Affiliate Program — get 40% bonus of any referred publisher earnings and 10% of any referred advertiser spends. FOREVER!
- Sites Catalogue with review and rating system.
- Make money publishing ads on your web-site.
- Full-controllable Ad block design.
- Tolerant policy: we accept sites of different size and popularity.
- Detailed earnings statistics.
- Traffic counter and other additional features.
- Payment options: e-Gold, e-Currency, LibertyReserve and Pecunix.
(will be expanded soon)
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